Elroy Area Chamber (EAC)
The Elroy Area Chamber, formerly Elroy Area Advancement Corp (EAAC), has a mission to support and promote the Elroy Area businesses and to foster economic growth through community development.
Our 3 main objectives are:
- Promote local businesses
- Support bringing new businesses to Elroy
- Celebrate the Elroy area as a great place to live and work
The Chamber supports many community events such as the City-Wide Rummage Sales, Spring Fling Beer & Wine walk, Elroy Fair, Apple Dumpling Days, Craft Fair/Quilt Show, Winter Lights, and Breakfast with Santa.
The EAC is working towards new models of communication and involvement.
Quarterly we Network at the one of Member's sites to:
* Share current and new City programs
* Review current and future local events on the calendar
* Update on New businesses in town
* Discuss any Needs for businesses and ways to support our Industries
* Discuss member’s ideas for revitalization or promotion of Elroy
Our current board members are Melissa Miller (President rep of Miller Heating & Air), Mark Gruen (VP), Jeanine Friedl (Treasurer rep for Royal Bank), Stephanie Woods (rep Royal Bank), and Kari Benish (rep Children's Cottage). Non-voting members are City Administrator, Hailey Brown (Royall Rep), City Mayor, and the appointed Director of Chamber is Kari Preuss (Library Directory and member).